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Design briefs and design bases

Baza podataka za autoputeve kroz Crnu Goru

Assignment description:

Design brief for building a Datebase necessary for the project management of the Design of Motorways through Montenegro, Podgorica

Position in the project:

Project management team member


Directorate of Public works


Jul 1998 - Sep 1998

Most preko Veriga, Kotor

Assignment description:

Preparation of Tender dossier “FIDIC based), Technical conditions, Design briefs and other necessary technical documentation for the International competition for the Preliminary design solution of a Bridge over Bokokotorian bay

Position in the project:

Project management team member


Government of Montenegro


Oct 1998 – Feb 1999

Objekti na Autoputu kroz Crnu Goru

Assignment description:

Preparation of Technical conditions, Design briefs and other necessary technical documentation for the Conceptual and Preliminary design of structures “bridges, viaducts, tunnels etc) on primary roads Djurmani - Tanki rt and Smokovac – road Cetinje/Podgorica, in total more than 20 structures

Position in the project:

Project management team member


Government of Montenegro


Apr 1999 – Aug 1999

Power substation TS 400/110/35 kV, Lastva, Kotor

Assignment description:

Production of the Design brief - civil engineering works, for Preliminary design, for the TS 400/110/35 kV, Lastva, Kotor

Position in the project:

Team Leader


CGES, Podgorica


Aug 2011 - Dec 2011