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- James Luckyram, B.M. Stewart and G.M. Zintilis: Blast loaded RC Slabs: A Binary Response Model for Shear and Flexural Interaction, Proceedings Of The Second International Conference Structures under Shock and Impact, Portsmouth, U.K., 16 -18 June 1992, Editor: P.S. Bulson, ISBN: 978-0-7277-1681-1, pp. 177 - 188, January 1992;
- Michael Frangou: Strengthening of concrete by lateral confinement, Doctoral thesis, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The University of Sheffield, 1996;
- Theodor Krauthammer and Robert K. Otani: Numerical simulation of Reinforcement Effects on Blast Containment Structures, Conference proceedings of 5th Asia - Pacific Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures, Singapore, pp. 241 - 248, January 1996;
- Kypros Pilakoutas, Zenon Achillides, and Peter Waldron: Non-Ferrous reinforcement in concrete structures, Innovation in Composite Materials and Structures, Editors: M.B. Leeming & B.H.V. Topping, Civil-Comp Ltd, Edinburgh, ISBN: 0-94874-48-2, 0948749482, 9780948749483, pp. 47-58, DOI:10.4203/ccp.46.2.2, 1997;
- Robert K. Otani and Theodor Krauthammer: Assessment of reinforcement details for blast containment structures, ACI Structural Journal, Vol 94, No. 2, pp. 124 - 132, 1997;
- Zenon Achillides: Bond and anchorage of FRP in concrete, Doctoral thesis, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The University of Sheffield, 1998;
- Michele Theriault: Flexion, deformabilite, et procedures de design de poutres et de dalles en beton arme de barres en materiaux composites, Doctoral thesis, Universite De Sherbrooke, Faculte des Sciences Appliquees, Department de genie civil, Quebec, Kanada, April 1998;
- M. Pecce, Gaetano Manfredi and Edoardo Cosenza: Experimental behaviour of concrete beams reinforced with glass FRP bars, Conference proceedings of ECCM8 - European Conference on Composite Materials Science, Technology and Applications, Symposium 3, Naples, Italy, pp. 227 - 234, 1998;
- Achillides Zenon, Pilakoutas Kypros and Waldron Peter: Bond of FRP anchorages and splices in concrete beams, Conference proceedings of ECCM8 - European Conference on Composite Materials Science, Technology and Applications, Symposium 3, Naples, Italy, pp. 277 - 284, 1998;
- Wei Zhao: Cracking and Deformation of FRP RC Elements, Doctoral thesis, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The University of Sheffield, 1999;
- Emile F.G. Shehata: Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) for shear reinforcement in concrete structures, Doctoral thesis, Structural Engineering Division, Department of Civil and Geological Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kanada, March 1999;
- Kyriacos Neocleous: Design and safety philosophy for concrete structures reinforced with fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement, Doctoral thesis, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The University of Sheffield, 1999;
- Alkhrdaji, Mettemeyer, Belarby and Antonio Nanni: Flexural Behaviour of FRP - Reinforced Concrete Members, Monografija, CIES 99-15, Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies, University of Missouri - Rolla, USA, 1999.;
- Ryan David Morphy: Behaviour of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) stirrups as shear reinforcement for concrete structures, Master thesis, University of Manitoba, Canada, June 1999.;
- E. E. Gdoutos, K. Pilakoutas, C. A. Rodopoulos: Failure analysis of industrial composite materials, Chapter 10: Composites in Concrete Construction, pp. 449 - 496, ISBN: 0071345175; monography, publisher: McGraw-Hill, 2000;
- Valker Hamsch: Untersuchungen zum Trag-und Verfor mungsverhalten von GFK-stabbewehrten biegebeanspruchten Betonbalken, Diploma thesis, Civil engineering faculty, Weimar University, Germany, mentor: prof. dr. ing.habil E. Raue, 2000.;
- Emile Shehata, Ryan Morphy and Sami Rizkalla: Fibre reinforced polymer shear reinforcement for concrete members: behaviour and design guidelines, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol 27, No 5, pp. 859 - 872, October 2000.;
- Mirko A}i} and B. Gligi}: Jedan primjer rje{enja problema vibracija kod izgra|enog pe{a~kog mosta, Conference proceedings of JDGK simposium, Vrnja~ka Banja, 2000;
- M. Pecce, Gaetano Manfredi and Edoardo Cosenza: Experimental Response and Code Models of GFRP RC Beams in Bending, Journal for Composites for Construction, vol. 4, no.4, ISSN 1090-0268, paper no. 19930; pp. 182 - 190; November 2000;
- Ninoslav Pe{i} and Kypros Pilakoutas: Symplyfied design guidelines for FRP reinforced concrete beams in flexure, Conference proceedings of Fibre reinforced plastics for reinforced concrete structures FRPRCS – 5, University of Cambridge, editor: Chris Burgoyne, publisher: Tomas Telford Publishing, London, England, ISBN 0727730290; pp. 177 – 187, 2001;
- L.C. Hollaway and P.R. Head: Advanced Polymer Composites and Polymers in the Civil Infrastructure: Chapter 6: Advanced Polymer Composite Reinforcement for Concrete Construction, monography, publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd, ISBN: 0080436617, pp. 161-186, doi:10.1016/B978-008043661-6/50008-5, 2001;
- Kypros Pilakoutas and Maurizio Guadagnini: Shear of FRP RC: a Review of the State-of-the-Art; in Composites in Construction: A Reality, Proceedings of the International Workshop, Julyy 20-21, 2001, Capri, Italy, editors: Edoardo Cosenza, Gaetano Manfredi, Antonio Nanni, ISBN-13: 9780784405963, ISBN-10: 0784405964, publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers - ASCE, 2001;
- Edoardo Cosenza and Roberto Realfonzo: Flexural Performance of RC Elements with FRP Reinforcement, in Composites in Construction: A Reality, Proceedings of the International Workshop, Julyy 20-21, 2001, Capri, Italy, editors: Edoardo Cosenza, Gaetano Manfredi, Antonio Nanni, ISBN-13: 9780784405963, ISBN-10: 0784405964, publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers - ASCE, 2001;
- J.M.Lees: Fibre-reinforced polymers in reinforced and prestressed concrete applications: moving forward, Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials, publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Volume 3, No. 2, pp. 122 - 131, August 2001;
- L.C. Hollaway: The evolution of and the way forward for advanced polymer composites in the civil infrastructure, Conference proceedings of International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, 12-15 December, 2001, Hong Kong, Editor: J.G. Teng, vol. 2, pp. 27-40, 2001;
- Melda Ozel: Behaviour of Concrete Beams reinforced with 3-D fiber reinforced plastic grids, Doctoral thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 2002;
- Tsuguhiro Nonaka, Mohamed Eldesouky and Masayuki Ishii: Balanced Reinforcement Ratio for FRP Reinforced Concrete Members, Shimane University, Nogyo Doboku Gakkai Taikai Koenkai Koen Yoshishu, pp. 266 - 267, 2002;
- André Kühnert: Untersuchungen zum Trag- und Verformungsverhalten von GFK-stabbewehrten Betonbalken bei Variationen des Bewehrungsgrades sowie der Laststellungen, Diploma thesis, Civil engineering faculty, Weimar University, Germany, mentors: prof. dr. ing.habil E. Raue and Dipl.Ing. Füllsack-Köditz, 2002.;
- Maurizio Guadagnini: Shear resistance of FRP reinforced RC elements, Doctoral thesis, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The University of Sheffield, 2002;
- D. Svecova, S.H. Rizkalla and G. Tadros: Design of FRP reinforced concrete for serviceability, Conference proceedings of Conference on Deflection Control for the Future, Detroit, USA, 2002, also in American Concrete Institute Special Publication 210, Editor: N.J. Gardner, pp. 149-172, 2003;
- Maurizio Guadagnini, Kypros Pilakoutas and Peter Waldron: Shear design equations for FRP RC beams, Conference proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer - Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, FRPRCS-6, Singapore, 08 - 10 July 2003., Singapur, editor: K.H. Tan, pp. 517-526, 2003;
- L.C. Hollaway: The evolution of and the way forward for advanced polymer composites in civil infrastructures, Construction and Building Materials, vol 17, no. 6-7, pp. 365 - 378, DOI: 10.1016/S0950-0618(03)0038-2, September 2003;
- Maurizio Guadagnini, Kypros Pilakoutas and Peter Waldron: Shear Performance of FRP Reinforced Concrete Beams, Journal of Reinforced Plastic and Composites, vol. 22, No.15, pp. 1389 - 1407, DOI: 10.1177/073168403035579, October 2003;
- Da Huang: Structural behaviour of two-way fibre reinforced composite slabs, Doctoral thesis, University of Southern Queensland, Australia, pp. 259, (http://eprints.usq.edu.au/1450), January 2004;
- L.R.Beer, A.J.Watson and A.Tyas: Damage assessment and predicted response of subsurface reinforced concrete slabs subjected to explosive loading, Proceedings of 5th International Phd Symposium in Civil Engineering, Volume 1, Edited by Joost Walraven, Johan Blaauwendraad, Tom Scarpas and Bert Snijder, pp. 95 – 103, CEB-FIP, A.A.Balkema Publishers, ISBN 9058096769, 16-19.June 2004, Delft, Netherlands, 2004
- Zenon Achillides and Kypros Pilakoutas: Bond Behaviour of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars under Direct Pullout Conditions, ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, vol. 8, Issue 2, pp. 173 - 181, 9 pages; DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0268(2004)8:2(173), April 2004;
- Zenon Achillides and Kypros Pilakoutas: Bond Behaviour of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars under Direct Pullout Conditions, (This is an author produced version of a paper published in ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, vol. 8, Issue 2, April 2004); White Rose Research Online, 46 pages, http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/42820; 2004
- Philipe Berthet – Rambaud: Structures rigides soumises aux avalanches et chutes de blocs: modélisation du comportement mécanique et caractérisation de l'interaction "phenomene-ouvrage", Doctoral thesis, University of Grenoble 1 – Joseph Fourier – Science and Geographie, Grenoble, France, July 2004;
- Tehmiryar Bangash: "The Combined Finite Discrete Element Method in Transient Dynamics of RC Structures under Blast Loading", Queen Mary Colleage, Univeristy of London, Doctoral thesis, 365 pages, London, 2004;
- O.S. Lee and D.H. Kim: Effect of shock wave on reliability of buried pipelines, in Advances in Fracture and Strength - Conference proceedings of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength, 06 - 08 October 2004, Jeju Isl., South Korea, editors: Y.J Kim, and H.D. Bae, Vol. 1 - 4, 297-300: pp. 1888 - 1894, 2005;
- P.A. Whitehead and T.J. Ibell: Rational approach to shear design in fiber-reinforced polymer-prestressed concrete structures, Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol.9, No.1, pp. 90-100, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0268(2005)9:1(90), January - February 2005;
- Kyriacos Neocleous, Kypros Pilakoutas and Maurizio Guadagnini: Failure mode hierarchy based design for reinforced concrete structures, Structural Concrete, vol 6, No1, pp. 23 - 32, 8 pages; 2005;
- Kyriacos Neocleous, Kypros Pilakoutas and Maurizio Guadagnini: Failure mode hierarchy based design for reinforced concrete structures, (This is an author produced version of a paper published in Structural Concrete, vol 6, No1, pp. 23 - 32; 2005); White Rose Research Online, 23 pages, http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/42810; 2005;
- Carlos P. Mota, Flexural and shear behaviour of FRP - RC members, Master thesis, Structural Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, July 2005;
- Egidijus Rytas Vaidogas: Explosive damage to industrial buildings: assesment by resampling limited experimental data on blast loading, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Vol. XI, No 4, ISSN 1392 - 3730; pp. 251 - 266; 2005;
- A.K.El-Sayed, E.F.El-Salakawy and B.Benmokrane: Shear Strength of Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP Bars: Design Method, Conference proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Fiber - Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Cansas City, USA, American Concrete Institute Special Publication SP 230-54; pp. 955 - 974; November 2005;
- Peter Waldron: The use of FRP as embedded reinforcement in concrete, Keynote lecture, Conference proceedings of FRP composites in Civil Engineering - CICE 2004, Adelaide, Australia, ISBN 9058096386, pp. 83 - 92, 2005;
- Leon Robert Beer: Parametric analysis of groundshock loading on steel plates and reinforced concrete slabs, Doctoral thesis, Civil and Structural Engineering Department, University of Sheffield, England, January 2006;
- M. Nehdi, H. El Chabib and A. Said: Evaluation of shear capacity of FRP reinforced concrete beams using artificial neural networks, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 81-100, January 2006;
- Razaqpur A. Ghani and Isgor O. Burkan: Proposed Shear design Method for FRP-Reinforced Concrete Members without Stirrups, ACI Structural Journal, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 93 - 102, January/February 2006;
- Yu Wenli, Wang Yuling, Wang Tao and He Bin: Safe Explosive Charge for Thin Circular Plate Subjected to Blast Loads, in Progress in Safety Science and Technology - Conference proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology, Changsha, China, 24 - 27. October 2006, Vol 6, pts. A and B, 6: Part A-B pp. 1199 - 1202, 2006;
- Hasan H. El-Chabib: Modelling properties of special concretes using artifical intelligence, Doctoral Thesis, ISBN 0494306971, 9780494306970, 284 pages, University of Western Ontario, Canada, 2006;
- Do Kyong Park: Evaluation of the Bending Moment of FRP Reinforced Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network, Proceedings of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance Inspection - KSMI, vol 10, issue 5, pp. 179 - 186, 2006;
- Maurizio Guadagnini, Kypros Pilakoutas and Peter Waldron: Shear Resistance of FRP RC Beams: Experimental Study, Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol.10, No.6, pp. 464 - 473, November/December 2006;
- R.A.S. Al-Sunna: Deflection behaviour of FRP reinforced concrete flexural members, Doctoral thesis, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The University of Sheffield, 2006;
- A. F. Ashour: Flexural and shear capacities of concrete beams reinforced with GFRP bars, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 20, Issue 10, pp. 1005-1015, DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2005.06.023, December 2006;
- N. Peixinho and A. Pinho: Study of Viscoplasticity Models for the Impact Behavior of High-Strength Steels, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 2, No.2, pp. 114-123, DOI: 10.1115/1.2447129, April 2007;
- ______: Numerical simulation of dynamic response of Reinforced concrete beam under the action of explosion pressure, Report of a Project "Integrated Design Resistance and Health Reasearch for Civil Engineering Structures" (NOTE: Google translation), funded by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan, pp. 72, 2007;
- T. Imjai: Design and analysis of curved FRP composites as shear reinforcement for concrete structures, Doctoral thesis, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The University of Sheffield, 2007;
- Giacomo Antonioni, Gighola Spadoni and Valerio Cozzani: A methodology for the quantitative risk assessment of major accidents triggered by seismic events, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 147, No. 1-2, pp. 48-59, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2006.12.043, August 2007;
- S. Demis: An investigation of the durability of FRP in concrete, Doctoral thesis, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The University of Sheffield, 2007;
- CEB - FIP Working group 9.3 - FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures: FRP reinforcement in RC structures; FIB Monography, Buletin 40 - Technical report, (cited on pages 53, 82, 85, 88, 128 and 132) September 2007 - in many different versions;
- Josef Hegger and Jorg Niewels: Bemessungsregeln fur Betonbauteile mit Faserverbundkunststoff-Bewehrung, (eng: Design rules for concrete elements with fiber reinforced plastic reinforcement) DBV 260, RWTH Aachen, Institut fur Massivbau, November 2007;
- Rafaelo Fico: Limit state design of concrete structures reinforced with FRP bars, Doctoral thesis, University Federico II, Naples, Italy, December 2007;
- M. Nehdi, H. El Chabib and A.A. Said: Proposed shear design equations for FRP-Reinforced concrete beams based on genetic algorithms approach, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 12, pp. 1033-1042, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0899-1561(2007)19:12(1033), December 2007;
- Hassan El Chabib and Moncef Nehdi: Shear Capacity of FRP Stirrups in FRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams Based on Genetic Algorithms Approach, Conference proceedings of 18th Analysis and Computation Specialty Conference at Structures Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 24-26, 2008; http://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/41016(314)53
- Raffaello Fico, Andrea Prota, and Gaetano Manfredi: Assesment of Eurocode like design equations for the shear capacity of FRP RC members; Composites: Part B - Engineering, volume 39, issue 5, pp. 792 - 806; DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2007.10.007, 2008;
- Ahmed K. El-Sayed and Brahim Benmokrane: Evaluation of the new Canadian highway bridge design code shear provisions for concrete beams with fiber-reinforced polymer reinforcement, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 609 - 623, DOI: 10.1139/L08-009, June 2008;
- Jorg Niewels: Zum Tragverhalten von Betonbauteilen mit Faserverbundkunststoff-Bewehrung, Doctoral thesis, University Von der Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen, Germany, 299 pages, November 2008;
- Ibrahim M. Metwally: Evaluation of Existing Model for Predicting of Flexural Behavior of GFRP- Reinforced Concrete Members, HBRC Journal, vol.5, No. 1, April 2009;
- Jyun-Yan Wu: Failure Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Slab Subjected to Air Blast Loading, Master thesis, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 75 pages, June 2009,
- Ehab Abdul-Mageed Ahmed: Shear behaviour of concrete beams reinforced with fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) stirrups, Doctoral thesis, Universite de Sherbrooke, Faculte de genie, Departement de genie civil, Sherbrooke (Quebec) Canada, 316 pages, June 2009;
- Aly Said, Hassan EL-Chabib and Moncef Nehdi: Use of ann to estimate shear capacity of frp-rc beams, Conference proceedings of FRPRCS-9 Sydney, Australia, 13 - 15. July 2009;
- P. Li, N. Petrini}, C.R. Siviour, R. Froud and J.M. Reed: Strain rate dependent compressive properties of glass microballoon epoxy syntactic foams, Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, Vol. 515, No. 1-2, DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2009.02.015, 19 - 25. July 2009;
- Kuinian Li and Antony P. Darby: A High Precision Direct Integration Scheme for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 4, No.4, Art. No. 041008, DOI: 10.1115/1.3192129, October 2009;
- Minh Long, Marian Rovnak and Tran-Quoc Toan: Shear resistance of concrete beams reinforced by glass fiber reinforced polymer bars, nguyen, Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Khoa học và Công nghệ lần thứ 11, Khoa Kỹ Thuật Xây Dựng, Conference proceedings of 11th Conference on Science and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering - HCMUT, pp. 227 – 236, 21-23 October 2009;
- A. Said and H. El Chabib: Performance of code equations compared to experimental data for shear capacity of frp-rc beams, The Second Official International Conference of International Institute for FRP in Construction for Asia-Pacific Region, pp. 369 - 374, Seoul, Korea, 9 - 11. December 2009;
- Ibrahim M. Metwally: Evaluation of Existing Model for Predicting of Flexural Behavior of GFRP- Reinforced Concrete Members, Conference proceedings of The Second Official International Conference of International Institute for FRP in Construction for Asia-Pacific Region, pp. 343 - 352, Seoul, Korea, 9 - 11 December 2009; https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/22570272/evaluation-of-existing-model-for-predicting-of-flexural-behaviour-of-/10
- Pilakoutas K., Guadagnini M., Neocleous K. and Matthys S.: Design Guidelines for FRP Reinforced Concrete Structures, ICE Publishing, Structures and Buildings, volume 164, issue SB4, pp. 255 - 263, 2010;
- Jae-Hoon Lee and Sung-Jin Shin: Shear Strength Prediction of FRP RC Beam without Shear Reinforcements, Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 313-324, DOI 10.4334/JKCI.2010.22.3.313, June 2010;
- Yuh-Shiou Tai and Tung-Liang Chu: Dynamic Responses of a Reinforced Concrete Slab Subjected to Air Blast Loading, Report, Atomic Energy Council, Taiwan, 164 pages, 2010;
- Vilanova Irene, C. Barris, Ll. Torres, C. Mias, M. Baena and V.O. Garcia: Comparative study of deflection equations for FRP RC beams, Conference proceedings of CICE 2010 - The 5th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Beijing, China, 27 - 29. September 2010;
- Iman Chitsazan, Mohsen Kobraei, Mohd Zamin Jumaat and Payam Shafigh: An experimental study on the flexural behavior of FRP RC beams and a comparison of the ultimate moment capacity with ACI, Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology, Vol. 1(2), pp. 27-42, ISSN 2141-2634 ©2010 Academic Journals, Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/jcect, December 2010;
- Ahmed K. El-Sayed and Khaled Soudki: Evaluation of Shear Design Equations of Concrete Beams with FRP Reinforcement, ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Volume 15, issue 1 (2011), doi:10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000158 (12 pages), February 2011;
- M.M.Rafi and A.Nadjai: A suggested model for European code to calculate deflection of FRP reinforced concrete beams, Magazine of Concrete Research, volume 63, issue 3, pp. 197–214, ISSN: 0024-9831, E-ISSN: 1751-763X; Toronto, Ontario, doi: 10.1680/macr. ...... CSA, February 2011;
- Ilker Fatih Kara: Prediction of shear strength of FRP-reinforced concrete beams without stirrups based on genetic programming, Journal of Advances in Engineering Software, vol 42, Issue 6, pp. 295 - 304, June 2011;
- Günnur Yavuz: Lif takviyeli polimerlerin betonarme kiriSlerde donati olarak kullanimi (eng.: The use of fiber reinforced polymers as the reinforcement of RC beams), e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, ISSN:1306-3111, Volume: 6, Number: 4, Article Number: 1A0212, , in Turkish, June 2011;
- M.Zeidan, M.A.Barakat, Z.Mahmoud and A.Khalifa: Evaluation of Concrete Shear Strength for FRP Reinforced Beams, Proceedings of ASCE Structures Congress 2011, edited by Dana Ames, Theodore L. Droessler, Marc Hoit , pp. 1816 - 1827, 2011;
- Y.S.Tai, T.L.Chu, H.T.Hu and J.Y.Wuc: Dynamic response of a reinforced concrete slab subjected to air blast load, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics vol. 56 issue 3, pp. 140-147. ISSN: 0167-8442 DOI: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2011.11.002, Elsevier Science, December 2011;
- Atomic Energy Commission of the Yuan province: Blast tests on RC Structures and the retrofitted effectiveness, Project director: Professor Dai Yuxiu, Research report for the Atomic Energy Commission of the Yuan province, 91 pp., Taiwan, December 2011;
http://www.aec.gov.tw/www/info/files/index_11_7-55.pdf and
http://www.aec.gov.tw/webpage/policy/plans/files/plans_04_e-100_10.pdf - Кузеванов Дмитрий Владимирович: Конструкциискомпозитнойне-металлическойарматурой, Обзорианализзарубежныхиотечественныхнормативныхдокументов, (eng: Structures with a composite non-metalic reinforcement: Review and analysis of foreign and domestic standards), pp.66, Электронный ресурс // НИИЖБ им. А.А.Гвоздева Лаборатория №2, Moskva, Rusija, 2012;
- Ilker Fatih Kara and Ashraf F. Ashour: Flexural performance of FRP reinforced concrete beams, journal: Composite Structures, volume 94, issue 5, pp. 1616 - 1625, doi: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2011.12.012, April 2012; also available as: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0263822311004806; December 2011;
- Fabio Matta, Paolo Mazzoleni, Emanuele Zappa, Michael A. Sutton, Mohamed ElBatanouny, Aaron K. Larosche, and Paul H. Ziehl: Shear Strength of FRP Reinforced Concrete Beams without Stirrups: Verification of Fracture Mechanics Formulation, ACI Special Publication, Volume 286, pp. 1-14, May 2012;
- Yang Jian, Liu Qingfeng, Chen Jiawei, Zhou Dai, Ji Qing: Section analysis of shear capacity of gfrp reinforced concrete beams based on modified compressive field theory, Researchgate, aprox. 2012; Web link
- Thilan Ovitigala: Structural Behavior of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Bars; University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2002 M.B.A., University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2006 PhD thesis, Civil Engineering in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, 2012;
- Lluis Torres, Kyriacos Neocleous and Kypros Pilakoutas: Design procedure and simplified equations for the flexural capacity of concrete members reinforced with fibre-reinforced polymer bars, Structural Concrete, Volume 13, Issue 2, pages 119–129, DOI: 10.1002/suco.201100045, June 2012;
- Hany Jawaheri Zadeh: Safety analysis of composite materials for existing and new construction, Doctoral thesis, University of Miami, USA, 140 pages, August 2012;
- Hrvoje Dragani} and Vladimir Sigmund: Blast loading on structures (Djelovanje eksplozija na konstrukcije), Tehni~ki vjesnik, Vol.19, No.3, ISSN 1330-3651, UDC/UDK 624.01.04:662.15, Croatia, September 2012;
- Marchin Christof Kurth: Zum Querkrafttragverhalten von Betonbauteilen mit Faserverbundkunststoff- Bewehrung, Doctoral thesis, Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen, Germany, 297 pages, December 2012;
- Rizwan Bashir and Ashraf Ashour: Neural network modelling for shear strength of concrete members reinforced with FRP bars, Composites Part B: Engineering, volume 43, part 8, pp.3198-3207, doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2012.04.011, December 2012;
- Fabio Matta, Ahmed K. El-Sayed, Antonio Nanni and Brahim Benmokrane: Size Effect on Concrete Shear Strength in Beams Reinforced with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bars, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 110, No.4, pp. 617 - 628, July 2013;
- S. Ramadass and Job Thomas: Shear strength prediction of concrete beams reinforced with FRP bars using IS 456-2000, American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), e-ISSN : 2320-0847 p-ISSN: 2320-0936, Volume 1, pp.43-48, www.ajer.org, 2013;
- Mohamed Elarbi Moh Mahroug: Behaviour of continuous concrete slabs reinforced with frp bars - Experimental and computational investigations on the use of basalt and carbon fibre reinforced polymer bars in continuous concrete slabs, Doctoral thesis, University of Bradford, UK, 2013;
- José Roberto Nuno de Freitas: Automatização do dimensionamento de elementos estruturais em betão armado com GFRP (eng: Automation of the dimensioning of structural elements in reinforced concrete with GFRP), MSc thesis, pp. 141, Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Engenharia, Universidade da Madeira, Septembre 2013;
- HJ Zadeh, A Nanni: Reliability Analysis of Concrete Beams Internally Reinforced with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bars, ACI Structural Journal, Volume 110
Issue Number: 6, American Concrete Institute, ISSN: 0889-3241, November 2013; - AF. Ashour, IF. Kara: Size effect on shear strength of FRP reinforced concrete beams, Composites Part B 60, pp. 612 - 620: Engineering, December 2013;
- R.Garcia, Y.Helal, K.Pilakoutas, M.Guadagnini: Bond behaviour of substandard splices in RC beams externally confined with CFRP, Elsevier, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 50, pp. 341 - 350, January 2014;
- R.Garcia, Y.Helal, K.Pilakoutas, M.Guadagnini: Bond behaviour of substandard splices in RC beams externally confined with CFRP, (This is an author produced version of a paper published in Elsevier, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 50, pp. 341 - 350, January 2014); White Rose Research Online, 25 pages; http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/78007; 2014;
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